
Thursday, May 6, 2010

May, Mothers, and the power of 3

May is a month of mother love - at least for me. It feels extra strange to not be in the US right now and with my family and friends. For the last few years, since my mom passed in 2007, I have always done a "Songs for the Divine Mother" show around mothers day. It is often one of my favorite concerts to give and always seems to summon great healing for myself and for those that attend.

As I approach the third anniversary of my mom's passing I am surprised by how much grief I can still experience during this month. It's almost as if a whole new layer surfaces reminding me that even though my Highest Self knows there is no separation, my human self longs to sit around and laugh with my mom while eating an amazing fresh mozzarella salad she used to love to make.

Yes in spirit, I have no doubt we are one and she is in service wherever she is, just as she was in service here in this dimension, but in my body, and in my senses, I miss her - especially in May.

I am grateful for my siblings and there recent babies who clearly help hold this energetic void that was left in my family, once my Mother's body left, but still there is just no when like my mom - Ellen. Seriously, if you knew her, you know what I am talking about.

She was a passionate woman. Passionate about food, and love, and justice, and her family. She taught me the power of speaking your mind and of being in humble service. Above all, she lived life with joy and charisma and strong points of view. sound familiar?

Yes, ultimately we are all our mother's daughters.

And so, I wrote this new song - cause that's what I've done since I was 9 - wrote songs. My mom was one of the first ones that knew this about me.

Enjoy and see you soon on Cape Cod!!
love love love


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