
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why get a Rising Star Healing Session?

In my experience receiving and facilitating the Rising Star Healing Modality and attending the Ireland workshops ( has allowed me to release fears in my life and step more fully into Self-LOVE and acceptance. With that deeper self-love I am more able to be in Service of those around me with humility and JOY. Now what does that mean on a practical level. Here's a random (but personal and practical) list:

I lost some weight (and am still working on it)
I practice yoga (and am still practicing). I practice Anusara Yoga at Virayoga.
I feel more still and more peaceful all the time even in stressful situations
I listen better (to myself and others)
I laugh more
I cry more
I am more aware of what my body has to tell me and find the courage to act upon it
I trust that all is well, even when it may appear it's not.
I make more money doing what I love.
Relationships in my life are more honest and more fun.
I am that I am and offer all of my actions to the best of my ability in service of all of humanity and as a result I have WAY MORE FUN LIVING!

To open and awaken your Heart to the Truth of who you are, book a session now or better yet, go to Ireland in October.

Love all, Serve all


40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

What is the Prema Agni?

Rising Star

Rising Star
Click to learn more

me and the sea

me and the sea
Dahab Nov. 2009

me in a Tree

me in a Tree
Ireland June 2008

Are you a part of the 11%?

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11
Awake, Awake, Awake

St. Francis in Hamra

St. Francis in Hamra
God bless the animals

Glendalough 2010

Glendalough 2010

me and JA - Bliss!

me and JA - Bliss!