
Friday, February 26, 2010

2010 #1 - Jordan in 48 hours from Cairo

Well it's Feb 26 and I am just getting to updating my Blog with anything substantial. It's been an amazing 2010 so far and time seems to be moving differently. I experience time shifting all the time. And I can't even really say what that means, except that a day can feel a year and 2 months can feel like a day.

Because so much has happened over the last 2 months, I am going to update in three different installments. this is #1 - Jordan. more to come soon on my trip to Dahkla . . .

I returned to Cairo on Jan 15 and just 2 weeks later I went with a group via bus, boat, and more bus to experience the country of Jordan. To the left you see a part of Petra known as the treasury - made famous by Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the last crusade. Petra is a beautiful part of Jordan and is considered one of the new 7 wonders of the world.

We took an overnight bus from Cairo to Taba on the coast of the Sinai and then took a ferry, not unlike the hi-line in Hyannis across the Gulf of Aquaba to Jordan (Aquaba). Then we took a bus up into the mountains through ice and snow (seriously!) to finally arrive in Petra in which there was flooding and temperatures in the 30's (F).

In this picture on the right I am walking through the Siq on the way to see the facade. You can see the water rushing at our feet and the amazing natural cut rocks with rose color. truly gorgeous and inspiring!

After this journey, we made our way to Amman - the capital city and enjoyed Jordanian hospitality at a hotel. After Egypt, we were all overwhelmed by the food, cleanliness, and overall good service. it was funny to see how shocked we all were.

The next day in Amman, we went to the citadel which is sort of an outdoor museum. The city of Jordan had many names. Here are some pictures showing the lineage of names - it was once called Philadelphia - something I never knew.
From the citadel, we had a great view of Amman which actually exists over 7 hills. While touring on our bus we were also shown the "beverly hills" of Amman. Pretty amazing amounts of wealth and beautiful looking homes. Jordan is governed by a king and is much smaller than Egypt. It was a great experience and gave me interesting perspective on the whole region.

On our way back from Amman to Aquaba (to get the boat back to the bus), we stopped at the Dead Sea. This experience was rather surreal. We stopped at a hotel that was overflowing in commercial abundance and clearly marketing itself as a resort and spa vacation spot. Here we were on the coast of the Dead Sea miles from where the stories of John the Baptist and his radical preaching of anti-establishment that ultimately led to his beheading, sipping juices and looking at marketing packets.

Across the way, we could see Israel, though to get there from here, feels not so easy given politics. Our Jordanian guide called Jordan "the switzerland of the middle east" meaning it gets along with everyone. I was definitely feeling the swiss vibe at the swiss owned movenpick complete with this view over the dead sea.

When I was home for Christmas I got a flip video hand me down as a gift from my big bro. So, I have started a youtube channel to post videos of my adventure. Here is some from the Jordan trip. enjoy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Balance, Patience, and Compassion

It's hard to believe it's been almost two months since my last blog. I have been experiencing much both on the inside and out. I travelled back to the states for Christmas and new years and rode a lot of airplanes, received and gave a lot of love, and gained a great deal of perspective. Though it can be painful to feel like I am leaving loved ones behind to return to Egypt, I am also given the gift of continuing to let go of all old parts of myself that no longer serve me and open to the new.

Returning to Egypt and my own little cozy apartment has been surprisingly lovely. I had the opportunity to travel to Jordan this past weekend and see Petra, Amman and the Dead Sea. I also began teaching 3rd grade recorder. So I think it is safe to say now, I am a music teacher - the one thing I swore I would never be. HA!

All that being said, it often feels that every moment is new and anything can change. the more I focus on the moment at hand, the happier I am. Sometimes the moment includes uncomfortable feelings like anger, sadness, frustration, but if I am present and feel them, let them move through me, I get to the other side - joy, happiness, peace, compassion much faster.

It is an amazing time to be a human being. In the face of many challenges people everywhere are choosing love over fear, kindness over crankiness, joy over depression, and loving action over anger.

What do you choose each day and what helps you? This is what I have been meditating on.

love love love


40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

What is the Prema Agni?

Rising Star

Rising Star
Click to learn more

me and the sea

me and the sea
Dahab Nov. 2009

me in a Tree

me in a Tree
Ireland June 2008

Are you a part of the 11%?

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11
Awake, Awake, Awake

St. Francis in Hamra

St. Francis in Hamra
God bless the animals

Glendalough 2010

Glendalough 2010

me and JA - Bliss!

me and JA - Bliss!