
Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

A weekend of LOVE in NYC and beyond.

I sat in a great coffee shop in Brooklyn this morning grateful for the blue sky and energy of this great city. I am singing tonight with my great friend and fabulous sax player Lynn Ligammari tonight and feel like it's the beginning of some great more music to come - live and recorded.

If you can't come tonight check out my PODCAST with free downloads or me at MYSPACE. here is a poem I wrote today. May we all awaken to the power and love we each hold within our own hearts and practice offering in service to those we love the most and all of humanity.

Happy Valentine's Day!

There are so many ways to love
and I've seen them all
a mother holding her puking kid
this seems like the greatest love of all

a sister helping her brother die
a dog licking a child
a flower opening unashamed
a splash of color in the urban wild

a gentle touch on the subway platform
offering his seat
this kind of love
of selfless care
massaging someone's feet

when we breath and take it in
noticing who we can be
a love arrives
like no thing
It's here to set us free

It's not a date
or a chocolate covered heart
or even a lover's kiss
It's a mystery
from deep within
a pure and divine bliss

It is you
It is me
a perfect rising star
be the love
feel the change
True Love is what you are

The Prema Agni is beautifully powerful on Valentine's Day. To draw one for yourself and the world CLICK HERE.

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