
Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Moon & Gratitude for Cycles

Yesterday was a new moon. And no I am not talking about the teenage vampire movie.

What is a new moon and why should we care? Over the last five years or so I have become much more conscious of the cycles of the moon and how I might "tune in" to them as a way of being present in my own life and creating what I dream is possible.

I have always had big dreams. This is really not my issue. What I have struggled with is the practical application of day to day practices that help realize these dreams in a realistic, sustainable, and satisfying way. The moon cycle is helpful in this.

Each month there is a new moon that leads to a full moon about 2 weeks later. Many people believe that the new moon is a time to plant seeds or intentions. If you study most religions, both monotheistic and others, the moon - where it is, what month it is, and how big it is often determines sacred days of worship or celebration.

I got to experience this first hand when I was living in the middle east, as the official beginning of Ramadan does not happen until the sighting of the new moon.

Each month, now I set intentions on the new moon. They can be as simple and grounded as, "I am joining the gym" or as expansive as, "each time I sing, my heart awakens". Sometimes I write these intentions down, sometimes I sing them. Sometimes I meditate on them. I don't like rules, so I let myself be free with it. Then when the full moon comes, just about two weeks later, I can see, did I practice? what has been created? I am often amazed at how much has shifted just because I was conscious and had intentions. And often many surprising things happen, events or experiences I myself couldn't have even thought of just two weeks before.

This is who we are: constantly creative beings. And for me, the moon is like a deep well of wisdom. A power center of well-being that acknowledges both our most human and most Divine qualities. Perhaps this is why, we have so many myths about the "dark creatures" coming out on the full moon. A "dark creature" is often a deeply passionate and creative creature and does not have to be perceived as "bad". Not if we allow ourselves to see the truth of who she/he is, and how we honor her/him.

This moon cycle that started yesterday is particularly powerful for me, as it will culminate on the full moon on Dec. 10 while I am in one of my most sacred places - Creacon Prema Agni Lodge
offering a Live Devotional Concert. To be in Ireland, at Creacon and offering the devotion of my heart in song is a dream coming true and my practice with the moon is a part of how it was created. Following Dec. 10, the next new moon is on Christmas eve - how do you love that timing? And so we are in a truly sacred time and when we begin to become conscious, we realize every moment and every moon is sacred. 

To celebrate this sacred time, I will also be offering a Solstice Concert on Dec. 21 right here on Cape Cod at Cultural Center of Cape Cod 7-9pm. I hope you will join us.

so tune in. to the moon and to yourself and allow the deep creative energy within you to flow. flow in service of all you dream and flow in service of all we dream for our world.

And if you are looking for more specific info on the moons and cosmic astrology I can't recommend more highly a new journal by Stephanie Azaria. It is a calendar and an awakening tool.

To stay up to date as to where I am singing and what I am doing please join us on Twitter or Facebook or visit my music page.

Hope to see you at soon share some songs.
love love love

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