
Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 32 of 40 and Fabulous!

I can't believe there are only 8 days left. What an amazing journey!

The live show in NYC on Saturday night was such a gift and I am so grateful to Omar at The Alignment Center and all who came out to chant with me and share the love.

Please remember to make a donation if you haven't yet. We have made a dent but have quite a way to go to get to our $40,000 goal. I know we can do it!!

Remember, you are supporting animals, children, & adults from all over the world to have clean water, food, education, shelter and basic necessities with a consciousness of love and awakening. What's better than that?

Above is a picture of me chanting Om Nimah Shivaya at the Beautiful Anusara in the Apple Event that I was blessed to participate in while in NYC. so much love. so much yoga.

Next stop Bhakti Fest in September with all my SQ Wellness pals!! yahoo.

Be Still. Be Happy. EnJOY the lazy days of August!

love love love

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40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

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Rising Star
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me and the sea
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