
Saturday, July 16, 2011

40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

No I am not 40 yet. But it is approaching, exactly 38 days away as of now.

To celebrate this wonderful moment in my experience I have decided to sing 40 chants in 40 days. What is a chant and where I am getting these? These chants have become known to me through my practice of yoga and spiritual healing. Like those of us who grew up in American modern Christian, Jewish, (or other religious tradition), we may have certain chants or songs that resonate with us as an offering of devotion to God or some form of Divine moment in our lives. As I continue to explore the healing power of sound and music in my life, I am more and more aware of how the actual singing and conscious practice of chanting helps me to feel well, happy, balanced, and better able to be in service to others.

Because of this and in celebration of the abundant health and happiness that I am experiencing in my life right now, I am offering these 40 days to myself and all of you in hopes you will honor me by donating $40 to SQ Foundation, an organization that is very much aligned with my heart and all that I hold dear.

Why not raise some money before there is some kind of health or spiritual crisis? Why not say, hey, I'm 40 and Fabulous and I offer all that I have in service of others.

Please join me over these next 40 days. Tune in.

Celebrate the fabulousness of who you are, at whatever age and whatever place and acknowledge that you too have so much to share with the world. Once you tune into some chants you can donate directly on the SQ Website Donation Page. Be sure to put in the "in honor" text box "40 and fabulous" so we can keep track.

If 1000 people offer $1/day for 40 days, WE raise together $40,000. It's that easy! We are the ones we have been waiting for!

Thank you for helping me feel 40 and Fabulous!

Tune in on YOUTUBE or FACEBOOK for regular updates throughout the 40 days

love love love!

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40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

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