
Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am leaving for Egypt Aug. 6

singing to red sea

Hello friends. In this picture above I am singing to the Red Sea after a 2 week pilgrimage through Egypt which included Cairo, St. Catherine's Monastery, and the Sinai Desert. This was in October 2006 and though I had no idea why at the time, I knew I "had to" go to Egypt and take this journey.

So, now It is with awe and joy that I recently accepted a full time music teaching position at a new school in Cairo Egypt called The International School of Egypt. The journey continues. I leave August 6.

It does also come with the sacrifice of leaving many that are very close to me - family, friends, and clients. However, I trust this opportunity is a gateway - both deeper into my own heart and the life work that continues to unfold. It is my hope that through my service to this school in this creation moment, my service to my Highest Self and all of Humanity can only expand.

Follow the blog and stay tuned.

And in the meantime enjoy this beautiful poem by Hafiz.

I Have Learned So Much

So much from God
That I can no longer

A Christian, a Hindu, a Muslim,
a Buddhist, a Jew.

The Truth has shared so much of Itself
With me

That I can no longer call myself
A man, a woman, an angel,
Or even a pure

Love has
Befriended Hafiz so completely
It has turned to ash
And freed

Of every concept and image
my mind has ever known.

From: 'The Gift'
Translated by Daniel Ladinsky


40 and Fabulous! 40 chants in 40 days for $40,000

What is the Prema Agni?

Rising Star

Rising Star
Click to learn more

me and the sea

me and the sea
Dahab Nov. 2009

me in a Tree

me in a Tree
Ireland June 2008

Are you a part of the 11%?

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11

Moon and Pyramids 11.11.11
Awake, Awake, Awake

St. Francis in Hamra

St. Francis in Hamra
God bless the animals

Glendalough 2010

Glendalough 2010

me and JA - Bliss!

me and JA - Bliss!